13 Cat-O-Lanterns to Inspire Your Pumpkin Carving This Halloween
Looking for a fun, feline-safe way to include your cat in the Halloween spirit? Look no further than these cat-o-lanterns!
Whether you're carving your cat's fluffy likeness into a bright-orange gourd or decking them out in an adorable pumpkin costume, these cat-o-lanterns are the purrfect way to get into the Halloween spirit.
It almost makes me want to go home and carve a kitty pumpkin right meow!
Like this picture-perfect pumpkin portrait!
u/Ecstatic_Turnip on Reddit
Or this adorable kitty, who lent a helping paw:
"Is this really what I look like to you, hooman?"
"It doesn't capture my 10/10 Loaf pose, but I suppose it will do."
"Yes, human servant, your offering has pleased me!"
Finally, a jack-o-lantern all cat lovers can relate to.
Seriously. I've never seen a more realistically carved pumpkin.
Via Reddit.com
I can't look away ... Not like you have a choice, anyway, when it comes to a cat shoving its butt in your face!
Via Instagram
And this Jack O'Lantern, inspired by the Great Hoover Beast:
I made the cats a very scary jack o’lantern with a vacuum cleaner on it. pic.twitter.com/0HgXp4DvuR
— Molly Hodgdon (@Manglewood) September 26, 2019
"Do I. have something in my teeth?" - Pumpkin
AND MEOW: these honorable mentions aren't necessarily cat-o-lanterns, but rather cats-in-lanterns and are just too cute not to share.
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