Cats Who Just Had A Really Long, Stressful Day, Okay?

Life as a cat can be stressful. Which comfy bed to sleep in? Which plant do I destroy today? Which human do I blatantly ignore? These cats have just had a really long, hard day and need to unwind. And like many of us after a long, hard day at work ... is there anything better than coming home to a glass of wine? 

Except these kitties can actually enjoy a glass of wine after those long, stressful days of catnaps - a glass of catnip wine, to be exact, and one that's kitty safe, too! 


"This is my 'that meeting could have easily been an e-mail' face." 

"Ugh. Not right meow, Karen. I've been chasing the red dot all day and I'm just tired. Where's that MosCATo?" 

"This is not what I had in mind when I said, 'I'd like to have a glass of wine.'"

"No, YOU'RE cut off! I've only had a sip!" 


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"Yeah, Netflix. Of course I'm still watching. And you're still judging."

"I've been looking forward to this bottle of Pinot Meow alllll day. Come to Mama!"

"Sorry but there was only enough pasta left for one and I'm craving carbs, Susan."

"What? 'Am I buying all this wine for a party?' No, it's just Tuesday."

"Please, I just need some 'me' time. And don't make that into another one of your cat puns, Carol."

"That darned sunbeam just kept moving as soon as I fell asleep. Can you believe that? Ugh, anyway. How was your day?"

If your cat can relate to any of these cats who've just had the worst days, help them unwind with a glass of Pinot Meow Cat Wine. And if they prefer a white? Try MosCATo Cat Wine for a feline treat with class. 


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