How to Conquer Black Friday … Like a Cat

Brace yourself, Black Friday is coming. Even though it's still a few days away, the time to get prepared is MEOW. And whether you're looking to finally replace that old TV in your living room or get your cat a new iPad ...

Black Friday is the opportune time to get some good deals on some choice merchandise and get all of your Christmas shopping out of the way in one fell swoop. If you can handle the crowds, the lines, and launch into what is essentially a battle of the fittest (or is that thriftiest?)

These cats know how to get what they want, when they want it. They are cats after all! Here are some wise felines who are ready to help you get the best deals this Black Friday. 


Before you head out for those doorbusters, make sure to stretch, from head to pinky toe bean. 

You might be on your feet for a while, so stretch it out first! 

black friday cat sale

Use the Internet to conquer the world Black Friday.

Like any good feline knows, the Internet is the purrfect tool.  Start shopping online right now, and sign up for e-mail lists that will notify you of all the best Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. 

Black Friday shopping is all about confidence. 

Channel the inner self-confidence of kitties everywhere and stroll in like you own the place.

Stalk those deals ahead of time ...

Make sure you know what you're getting! Make a list, and check it twice.

And always keep your eyes on the prize. 

black friday cat sale

Don't get distracted by all the choices ... 

Keep your holiday shopping budget in mind! You've got a cat at home to feed, after all! 

black friday cat sale

But always be ready to strike.

Hint: It's all in the wiggle. 

black friday cat sale

And when the time is right, POUNCE on those deals!


black friday cat sale

Or you could miss out!

black friday cat sale

If someone's got eyes on the last tv, make yourself look bigger than you actually are to scare them off.

black friday cat sale

It works for cats ... for the most part.


Revel in your shopping prowess ...


But most importantly, celebrate with a hard-earned nap.

Do you have any kitty-inspired shopping strategies? Let us know in the comments! 

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