Are Cats Actually The World's Greatest Spies?


Cats are natural-born spies, predators who learn the art of stealth from kittenhood.

sneaky kitten gif playing kitten

They're masters of espionage, complete with built-in night vision ...


cat with glasses cat sunglasses

Satellites ...


cat ears gif white cat gif

And expert climbing skills even that dude from Assassin's Creed would envy.


assassins creed cat


>They're always watching.


sneaky cat gif  creeper cat phone case cat phone


They're always listening.


kittens hiding kittens playing


Strategically placed in our homes, hiding their true motives from us like they hide in boxes.


cats in boxes


For whom are they spying? The FBI? The CIA? MI6? Aliens?


crazy cat


Instead of worrying about your microwaves eavesdropping on your conversations, you should be paying attention to where the cat is.


ninja cat bugged microwaves


They've bugged the lights.


ceiling cat basement cat

Even the walls have eyes.


cat in wall cat memes cats in weird places


These clever beasts are masters of disguise. 


cat plush cat stuffed animal


They hide in plain sight.


black cat lucky black cat


cat fails

Always sleeping with one eye open.


cat in sink invisible cat white cat

Never letting us out of sight for very long. 


cat paws toe beans paws under door


Their skills of stealth and deception are unparalleled in the animal world ... 


cat climbing wall cat on building



parkour cat cat jumping cat acrobats

So, the next time you find your cat lurking in the windowsill, pretending to nap in a sunbeam ...


cat in window cat curtains


Be sure to keep your wits about you. Document any suspicious signs.  

Because even when you think you're alone ... 


cat behind


You're not.


hiding cat sneaky




  • laurie bennett

    Love these photos, gave me a much needed laugh. I like when I find my guy hiding around the corner thinking he will jump !out and surprise me, tables turned on him

  • Jan S

    We have a herd of indoor and outdoor cats who adopted us. They see all, hear all, no sounds are too soft for their super hearing. How do they know when I am putting away, as opposed to getting out, saucers? Too funny! We are hooked for life on these natural clowns, each different in personality, so entertaining.Currently we are owned by a Maine Coon, a Siberian, a Bengal, and a Norwegian Forest Cat. Outside, a cat of every color vists us daily.
    I love these pics!

  • Liz

    I love getting these emails and reading the stories, seeing the pictures. These are great. My newest kitty does the shower curtain one, it’s a see through curtain like the one in the photo here, thinking she’s hiding but half her body is showing. Thanks for the laughs!

  • Janissa

    They say they hide in plain sight… Where is the one in the picture with the television? LOL

  • Dolores

    These pictures were so funny! How the cat jumped into the light on the ceiling is crazy!! Adorable pictures!

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