Rare One-Eyed, Four-Eared 'Frankenkitten' Finds Forever Home


Meet Frankenkitten, the four-eared, one-eyed rescue kitten with an overbite who just wants a cuddle and a good ear-scratchin'. 

Photo: Instagram


Frankenkitten as he is affectionately named, or Frankie for short, is a true survivor. He and his brother were found tucked under a house in desperate need of medical attention.

The motherless kittens were brought to Geelong Animal Welfare Society (GAWS) in Victoria, Australia. "[Frankie] was discovered to have a very infected and damaged eye, as well as four ears. He immediately went into surgery for removal of the eye as it was very painful," says Georgi, a foster carer and employee at GAWS (and Frankie's new mom) told Love Meow. 

Photo: Instagram


Georgi took Frankie home to recover in the comfort and security of foster care. Georgi is a seasoned foster mom, having taken care of over 80 foster cats in the past year alone, but when she held Frankie in her arms, she realized there was something different about him.

Photo: Instagram


"Within a couple of hours of him being at home, I realized there was something special about him." She said, unable to let Frankie go. "I couldn't bear the thought of taking him back." 

Photo: Instagram

Having fostered nearly 80 cats and kittens in the past year, Frankie was the first kitten she would have had trouble giving back. Maybe it was his four ears or his one eye, or just his warm, loving personality.

Photo: Instagram


Maybe it was the fact that her son, Arthur, was already head over heels for the special needs kitten. Whatever the reason, Georgi didn't want to let Frankie go. And the rest is hiss-tory! 

Photo: Instagram



Still recovering from the removal of his infected eye, Frankie manages to shows his new family how grateful he is - he's a cuddle bug with a penchant for ear scratchies (for each of his four ears, thank you) and waking his humans up in the morning with plenty of nose kisses. 

Photo: Instagram

Despite already undergoing one surgery, Frankie, unfortunately, has a few more ahead of him. With a severe overbite, as his adult teeth grow in, he will need teeth removed in the future to avoid them growing up into the roof of his mouth. 

“We are still waiting for his adult teeth to grow (roughly another five months), but when they do, his lower canines will need removing,” Georgia said. “If they aren’t removed, they will cause damage to his palate when he closes his mouth. His upper canines should be able to remain, but they are probably going to hang out of his mouth like little vampire teeth.” Luckily, Frankie has a family to care for him through the surgeries - and the shelter that rescued him, GAWS, is providing for Frankie's medical expenses.

In the meantime, Frankie is enjoying his new life in his forever home, exploring the world outside and growing in confidence each day.

Photo: Instagram

And looking adorable every step of the way.

Photo: Instagram

"Frankie went to visit a lovely lady for her 90th birthday ... It was awesome seeing him make her so happy."

Photo: Instagram 


Note: The green marks on Frankie's ear is a tattoo that denotes that a domesticated animal is desexed, common in Austrailia and the US. It's not used for ownership identification, nor is it cosmetic. As he ages the tattoo will fade until it is more of a dull green.


If you would like to support Frankie or further rescue efforts of GAWS, click here to see how you can help!




  • jmuhj

    @Bonita Uthus, get the AddToAny app and then you can. Or check the left of your screen, where you’ll see the facebook share icon at the top of the column.

  • jmuhj

    So very grateful that Frankie has the love and care he needs to live long and prosPURR. Wishing other cats in Australia did, too, as that nation’s policy toward cats is criminal and totally lacking in compassion. Read about it if you don’t know, and register your disgust with their government.

  • Pam

    God bless the needy cat angels for their compassion, I truly love them. We cat/animal people wish all were loved and cared for as this special sweet baby! xox

  • Cheryl Burbage

    Thank God this special kitty and for the special family who have given him a home. I hope they’ll both be truly blessed. ?

  • Bonita Uthus

    How can I share his story on Facebook?

    Bonita Uthus

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