Why Do Cats 'Make Biscuits' or Knead?
Updated: 2/2/21
Making biscuits. Kneading the dough. Whatever you may call it, the adorable and somewhat baffling cat behavior of "kneading" often leaves many cat owners scratching their heads. Many adult cats knead, which is when a cat works their paws back and forth on soft objects like blankets, their cat beds, and even their humans. But why? Why do cats have the need to knead?
They're Reliving Their Kittenhood.
One reason cats knead may be that it is a leftover behavior stemming from "kittenhood" that carries into adulthood. Nursing kittens will knead the area on either side of their mother's teat, an action thought to stimulate milk flow. This may also explain the reason why some adult cats will suckle at the object they are kneading (blanket, pillow, even their human). It's thought that this kneading behavior is a way for cats to self-soothe and bring themselves comfort.
Some believe it is a sign that the kittens were weaned or taken away from their mothers before they were ready and may cling to this behavior more than normal.
They’re Scent Marking.
Another reason cats knead is it allows them to leave their scent on their favorite objects and stake their claim. Cat paws are actually equipped with hidden scent glands, and when they knead (or even scratch your furniture), pheromones are released onto the object. Every time your cat kneads, she is also leaving behind her scent--effectively claiming her favorite objects as hers. These pheromones are undetectable to our human noses, but other cats or animals in the home will be able to sniff out that message loud and clear: This is mine! So if your cat kneads on you, take it as a compliment. They’re claiming you as their human.
They’re Making Their Beds.
Some cat behaviorists also believe that kneading could be a leftover instinct from their days as wild cats. Kneading may be an instinct that harkens back to when wild cats would pat down tall grass or shredded leaves to make a soft, warm bed for sleeping or giving birth. Through the ages, the behavior continues to a natural part of cat instinct before settling down for a comfortable catnap.
They're saying "I'm available!"
Female cats may also knead when they go into heat (or estrus); usually this kneading behavior is paired with flopping on their side while purring and stretching at male cats as a signal that they are ready for possible mating. Other signs of estrus in female cats include being overly vocal, attention-seeking behavior, begging to go outside and even spraying urine.
PennyLane kneads all the time, on me, her blankets our bed and pretty much anything soft and cozy! :)
We adopted a brother and sister cat back in 1993. We had “hyper-color” shirts that would change color with temperature. Both kitties would knead on me and suckle. The change in temperature would change the color of the shirts so I would have suckling spots right over my breast!! It looked pretty funny 😂
We once had a kitty we called Buttons, such a sweet kat! He would knead on my stomach as I was lying down on the bed. I enjoyed it as it was like getting a mini massage! I believe he was purring too, as I recall. This was many years ago.
My cat Sookie “stomples”. She does it only in her own bed as part of her night time routine. First she has some biscuits, then she jumps on our bed (her bed is on our bed, and she gets a heat pad! She is like a princess). Then the stomperling begins, with much purring.
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