A Look Into The Secret Lives Of The Shop Cats of Hong Kong


Take a glimpse into the secret lives of the shop cats of Hong Kong, as seen through the eyes of Dutch photographer Marcel Heijnen.

When Heijnen first moved to Hong Kong, he was surprised to learn about Hong Kong's take on cat culture: shop cats. Similar to the Bodega cats of New York who guard the local bodegas, the shop cats of Hong Kong happily take up their perches and judge shopgoers from afar.  Photographer Marcel Heijnen was so fascinated with these shop cats, he even created an Instagram account featuring the shopkeeping kitties and their humans. Heijnen features shop cats, market cats, alley cats, even temple cats! 

These cats are a part of everyday life in the shops of Hong Kong.

Fitting themselves happily into the busy inner workings of a shop.

Keeping an eye on things ...

Making sure everything is in its proper box. 

And reminding their humans to take well-deserved breaks.

Because catnaps very important cat business, after all. 

And, no, they don't mind sharing their lunch. 

They keep the shops clear of mice and pests, always on the prowl.  

And they make great company while waiting for shipments to come in. 

Some cats become so much a part of the shop that they blend in.

Others, of course, know how to work the spotlight. "Make sure to get my good side, human."

The photographer manages to capture the individual personalities with just a single photo. 

shop cats of hong kong

Cats will always be cats, no matter where they are. 

"Yes, I AM the very top brand of cat!"

"Hop on, human. We've got places to go and kitties to see!" 

While Maneki Neko is generally Japanese in origin, many shopkeepers in Hong Kong keep their own Lucky Cats to bring in fortune. 

You can never have too many Lucky Cats! 

What do you think about the Shop Cats of Hong Kong?


More info: Instagram | marcelheijnen.com 


  • Linda Key

    Love these photos of cats in Hong Kong and that they are well cared for.

  • jmuhj

    Echoing the other posters’ thoughts exactly!

  • Darlene

    The cats and their humans are fascinating! Cats adapt well to their environment. Hong Kong shops are lucky to have them!

  • Debra

    They are beautiful🐈 all shops bookstores Libra Aries should have cats. As long as their well cared for.

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