Nike 'Just Do It' Cat Memes That Will Make Your Caturday
Nike has been in the news the past few weeks, with their new just do it campaign involving former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick. It didn't take long for the Internet to take Nike's much-debated campaign and turn it on its tail. Because if it's on the Internet, there is going to be a meme of it. And if there's a meme of it, there is undoubtedly a cat meme of it.
Check out these hilarious parodies of the Nike campaign featuring Colin Catpernick.
1. Just Bite Them
2. Just Zoom It
3. Just Do It
4. Just Eat It
5. Just Knock It
6. Just Loop It
7. Just Mew At It
8. Just Lick It
9. Just No It
10. Just Sniff It
11. Just Meow It
Of course, we had to get in on the fun! Click
I would love something, apparel or poster, whatever with the first cat parody on it of “Just Bite Them”. It’s fantastic! If It’s available somewhere, please contact at my email and tell me how to purchase!
I would also be interested in the black cat apparel or poster or whatever. Please contact me if available.
Looks fun and love the cat theme.
I love these shirts. How can I get one?
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