7 New Year's Resolutions To Make With Your Cat

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If you’re anything like us here at Meowingtons, you’re probably making a list of all the New Year’s Resolutions you’re going to at least attempt to stick to come 2019! But you aren’t the only one who can benefit from some fresh New Year’s resolutions! Set some goals for your favorite feline family member, too, and make 2019 the best year yet - for the both of you.

1. Get back on your paws

    You’ve probably got some fitness goals for yourself in the New Year - but it’s important to remember that cats need their exercise as well! Exercise not only helps trim those extra holiday pounds, but it’s also a great way to bond even further with your furry family member. It’s probably pretty easy to get your cat back into the exercise groove - it’s all about finding what toy and type of play appeals to your cat the most, whether it be a laser pointer or a feather wand.

    2. Learn something new

      Many people don’t believe that cats can learn tricks. But the truth is, your cat might benefit from learning a trick or two! It provides your cat with a challenge and stimulates their brains - and they get a few treats out of it, too. Whether it’s teaching your cat to high-five, fist bump, or even something as simple as coming when they’re called, use the new year to prove that cats CAN learn tricks!

      3. Lead a more enriching life

        Environmental enrichment is especially important for cats whose owners work long hours outside the home (to pay for all the kitty food and toys!).  Environmental enrichment comes in many shapes and forms, and you can have fun experimenting with what works best for your cat.

        Try videos of birds and small mammals that will keep your cat busy for hours, cat scratchers, cat treat balls, and other amusements that can keep your cat entertained in your absence, which reduces stress, which makes for a happy feline.

        4. Eat better

          According to a 2017 survey by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 60% of cats are overweight or obese in the US. Obesity in cats can lead to health issues like inflammation to respiratory disorders - and even kidney dysfunction. If your pet is overweight, consult your vet about proper dieting techniques for your “fluffy” feline friend. They can help you come up with a feeding strategy (paired with exercise) based on your cat’s age, weight, and overall health to safely and healthily lose weight.

          5. Cuddle better

            When it comes to cuddle time with your cat, it can be hard not to just grab ‘em up in a hug. They’re ridiculously cute, after all. But as fun as that is for us humans, it might not be the same for your cat. So a resolution your kitty might appreciate come 2019 is learning how your cat likes to be cuddled and pet, and how to respect their purrsonal space when they’d prefer to be left alone.

            6. Scoop more

              If you notice your cat has been “opting out” of using the litter box, they might be trying to tell you something: this stinks!  No cat wants to do the deed if their litter box stinks! Here’s the scoop on how often to scoop: daily. It might seem like a pain, but your cat will appreciate it - and so will you, when they stop going outside the box!  If you have a multi-cat household, you might want to consider a litter scoop with bags attached to make scooping and waste disposal quicker and easier.

              7. Prepare more, stress less

                If your cat gets stressed when it comes time to visit the vet - or even just go into the cat carrier - make it a goal to make these trips less stressful. You can do this by acclimating your cat to their crate or carrier slowly. If your cat is scared of the car, let them “claim” the car as their territory before taking them on short trips around the block to make them more comfortable. Given time, your cat will feel more at ease and make these trips a stressless occasion.

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                • syr

                  I scoop like everytime after my cats pooping but still some of them prefer outside the litterbox.

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