15 Cats That Are So "Smol" It Should Be Against The Law
Need a minute to de-stress? We've got the purr-fect solution: cats. But not just any cats: impossibly, irrevocably, and unapologetically tiny cats (read: smol). It should be illegal to be this adorable - but thankfully, it isn't!
So we're supplied with an abundance of the Internet's tiniest tabby tots, a veritable buffet of delight for the eyes and a balm for the soul. Because let's face it, cats make everything better.
1. This teeny-tiny tuxie with the cutest little toe beans.
This foster cat account currently has 37 foster cats and kittens looking for forever homes - and they just rescued a mama cat off the street who gave birth to 5 healthy kittens. Support them if you can!
2. This pouf ball with incredibly powerful bunny kicks:
3. This criminally cute calico on her first night in her bed:

Via u/WendySnaps on Reddit.com
4. This very tiny, very fluffy, VERY ADORABLE Void
Via u/C_bear3 via Reddit.com
5. This teeny-tiny tot with a lot of thoughts:
Via u/Cryptikaia on Reddit.com
6. This li'l sprout barely bigger than a banana:

Via u/ninawonders on Reddit.com
7. This teensy-weensy kit, who woke up on the wrong side of the cat bed:

Via u/CatFeeds on Reddit.com
8. This itsy-bitsy beggar:

9. These fluffy foot-warmers making it imPAWssible to go to work:

10. This tabby and her menacing Mini Me:

11. This absolutely li'l Li'l Guy:

12. And you can't forget this li'l Bengal and his teeny-tiny toe beans:

Via reddit.com
13. And this li'l kit who proves that If I Sits, I Sits starts young!

Via Reddit.com
14. This itty-bitty-kitty who will still somehow manage to hog the entire bed:
15. And last but certainly not tiniest:

These kittens are absolutely adorable! 😻 I love cats that are so ‘smol’, they look like eternal babies. Sometimes I wonder if certain cats stay small by nature or if there are breeds that tend to be more compact.
Speaking of which, I found an interesting article that talks about some of the smallest and most adorable cat breeds, if you want to know more about these mini felines, it’s on lovemeow.com.
I have some of the most smol kittens ever. And teeny tiny ones too. If you guys want a smol kitten too, just send me a message. My email is monroeslittles@gmail.com
Beautiful teeny tiny smol Ragdolls and teeny tiny smol Siamese snowshoes.
I love Littles they are my whole life😍
These little guys are so cute. I have been trying to find where I can get one,
not having much luck.
Can anyone tell me where to look.
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