The 'World's Worst Cat' Has Found Her Forever Home!


Perdita, "The World's Worst Cat," has found her forever home!

The cantankerous cat went viral last week after being labeled the "World's Worst Cat" in a Facebook post by the Mitchell County Animal Rescue, the shelter responsible for caring for Perdita.

The 4-year-old feline came into the animal rescue so cranky that they thought there was something medically wrong with her. She didn't want to interact with other animals, especially kittens - no matter how cute and cuddly they may be. The occasional head-pat was allowed, but only if ample treats were provided to sway her. And if you got on her bad side? Get the bandages ready

Thankfully, the vet discovered that Perdita was perfectly healthy. But that also meant her cranky demeanor wasn't about to change. "We thought she was sick, turns out she's just a jerk," the shelter wrote. Perdita's previous owner passed away, and she was left home alone for quite a while. Neighbors cared for her until they called the rescue - so Perdita's sour mood is pretty understandable. 

The shelter knew that getting Perdita adopted would be a challenge. Most folks looking to adopt cats are looking for the cute 'n cuddly type - which Perdita is most certainly not. “We got together and we decided that we would be brutally honest about her strong personality,” said Amber Lowery, executive director of Mitchell County Animal Rescue. “That way, the right person would be able to adopt her and understand that she is not the cuddly kitteny type.”

The result? A brutally honest (and quite hilarious) Facebook post advertising Perdita’s less-than-pleasant qualities, and labeling her the “World’s Worst Cat.”

The Facebook post reads: "Meet Perdita, not for the faint of heart.

LIKES: staring into your soul until you feel as if you may never be cheerful again; the song Cat Scratch Fever, the movie Pet Cemetery (Church is her hero), jump scares (her specialty), lurking in dark corners, being queen of her domicile, fooling shelter staff into thinking she's sick (vet agrees...she's just a jerk)

DISLIKES: the color pink, kittens (yuk they are so chipper), dogs, children, the Dixie Chicks, Disney movies, Christmas and last but NOT least...HUGS. She's single and ready to be socially awkward with a socially awkward human who understands personal space.”

When it comes to cats who come off as grumpy and standoffish, it can be difficult to find them the perfect forever home - they need a family who understands the cat's personality. And the adoption advert might seem a bit harsh, but it was for Perdita's benefit, noted Lowery: “Our plan was to highlight all the differences that she has … so when you take her home you’re not surprised, and it’s a better chance of the adoption actually sticking and her not coming back to us.”

And it worked! Over 100 applications came flooding in.  

After narrowing it down to just 10 applicants and thorough screenings and interviews, Perdita's new family was chosen.

It's always news to celebrate when a cat gets adopted - but harder cases like Perdita are even MORE spectacular and inspiring. 

Happy tails, Perdita! 

Do you have a "Perdita" of your own? Now you can get their photo printed on any custom item, like a mug or blanket! Click here or the photo below for more details.


  • Kimberly

    What a beautiful cranky gal! I’d be a jerk too if I lost my family and home. Poor baby girl. I’m so glad they found her a new home and I hope they warm up to each other! Maybe all she needs is time to grieve and heal…or it could just be her actually personality! My baby girl is a snuggle queen, but ONLY for her mommy (me), but even mommy can’t pick her up without getting scars! She’ll be 10yrs old in July. We’re both Alpha females and we respect each other’s boundaries!

  • Guy Gearhart

    Dianne Lamb, I’m sure you have heard the saying that there’s always one in every crowd. Well you happen to be that ass in this crowd. Stop your crying and get a life.

  • Kimberley

    Poor Perdita. She lost the only human she ever knew, she lost her home and was thrust into a shelter and she became stressed and scared. No wonder she became cranky. Now that she has a new home where she will be loved, the cranky attitude and stress will disappear, she will settle and her true personality will come back.

  • josie Ramirez

    I worked for 25 years taking in and finding homes for cats.Here are some things I discovered: #1Just beung near another cats can cause stress to some cats. They become defensive even to people. That could be a reason for her actions. #2 She just likes her own personal space. She wants to decide who or what she wants to interact with. #3 It may be her personallity isdifferent than the usual cats these people are used to seeing.#4 She lost her family and then her home where she was the top cat, the only cst. Mayber her owner was the only person she interacted with all her life. I have cats that only loved me and hid from anyone else.There are so many situation that can be responsible.
    I have aways found that you should tell people the true facts about the cats so they want be surprized about them. Then if things get better they are usually very happy. Maybe jusr living in home as a only cat again will
    make her happy and just maybe she want even act like she did at the shelter.

  • kelley wyskiel

    This is why it’s so important to be honest about the difficult probabilities instead of faking the perfect to get an adoption. Knowing the challenge and saying yes anyways is the forever home kinda adoption we always hope to find. Great job letting cranky don’t cuddle me be a perfectly acceptable personality quirk

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