These Cats Have Been Trying to Sneak Into A Museum For Years


Meet Ken Chan and Gosaku, who by now are likely two of Japan's most notorious feline trespassers. 

Photo Credit: bijutsu1 

The two felines have been trying to sneak their way into the Hiroshima Onomichi City Museum of Art for years now. Apparently, Gosaku and Ken Chan first started their sneaky shenanigans a few years ago when the museum opened a show titled "Cats - Mitsuaki Iwago Photography Exhibition." The two cats showed up, probably thinking they were entitled to attend the show seeing that they were the subject matter. That's cats for you. 

The cats tried their best to get into the museum ...

Photo Credit: bijutsu1


But each time were turned away.

 Photo Credit: bijutsu1

But they just kept coming back!  

Photo Credit: bijutsu1 

Ken Chan used everything in his kitty arsenal, including a peaceful sit-in ...

Photo Credit: bijutsu1

Digging their claws into the rug to try to stay put ...

Photo Credit: bijutsu1

Offering pets in exchange for entry ...

Photo Credit: bijutsu1

And even pulled out the big guns with a cute li'l kitty flop.

Photo Credit: bijutsu1

But it was to no avail. All attempts at entry were pointless.

Photo Credit: bijutsu1


...Until one small, brief victory, teaching us never to give up on something if you really want it. Take it from Gosaku: have patience and persistence and you shall persevere!  

Photo Credit: bijutsu1

Do you have a sneaky feline at home? 

Now you can get their photo printed on any custom item, like a mug or blanket! Click below for more details.


  • Debra

    Please tell us what happened to the kitties?
    Thank you.

  • Nagisa

    Oh I wish they let them in…why not? and I hope they have a home to live. Please be nice to the kitties.

  • Diana Griesdorf

    Cute story…

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