15 Things Every Cat Person Has Said At Least Once
Saying, "That's a problem for Tomorrow Me," when it's 2 am and you hear your cat barfing somewhere in the house.
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1. Casually professing your undying love and dedication for them:
2. Making sure there's no escapees:
3. Realizing it's all about finding the right toy for your cats:
4. You've probably said this a lot more than you ever expected to:
5. You HAVE to say "Big Stretch", it's Cat Parent Law.
6. It's also Cat Parent Law that you can't move a sleeping cat, especially not if they're snuggling on your lap:
7. When you hope it's not something that Mickey Mouse could call his brother:
8. When you start to question if cats are just tiny poo factories:
9. Or how for such tiny animals they can eat like a herd of elephants:
10. Or how they can sound as loud as a herd of elephants:
11. When you wish you could live a life as spoiled as your own house kitty and all you had to worry about is which sunbeam to nap in:
12. Cat hair becomes an inevitable condiment.
13. There is nothing more soothing than a finely tuned engine:
14. You take things a li'l too purr-sonally:
15. When your cats get a little too comfortable:
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