Today at work I explained that I’m off on Friday so that I can take the kitties to the vet in the morning for check ups and shots, and the I will spend the afternoon begging their forgiveness.
A former friend of mine was not fond of animals because she didn’t grow up with them and didn’t see the point of having pets. She would never hurt them or try to take someone’s pet away, but she’s never understood how close humans and animals can get. I went to her place for a BBQ once, and before that, I hadn’t seen my cat all day because I’d been doing other things from first thing in the morning. It was getting on to 8 PM, and I was tired, but, more importantly, I needed to go home to my cat to make sure he was OK and stuff. Those of you with pets know what I mean. When I said that I was leaving because my cat had been alone all day and would be fine, that he was “just an animal,” I almost lost it on her. I kept my cool, but her hubby, who loves animals but is allergic to many and so can’t have any, understood completely, and he helped make sure that I was able to get away without his wife insulting me, as I knew she could do if she got it in her head to do so. My cat was very happy to see me, and I was able to spend the entire next day with him.
The next day, I got a text from that former friend, and she said that if I was “going to keep on being obsessed with that cat and stuff” (her words), then she didn’t want to be my friend anymore. I didn’t text her back and blocked her everywhere.
I don’t feel bad about this at all. We’d only known each other for about six months and didn’t have anything in common, really.
Today at work I explained that I’m off on Friday so that I can take the kitties to the vet in the morning for check ups and shots, and the I will spend the afternoon begging their forgiveness.
A former friend of mine was not fond of animals because she didn’t grow up with them and didn’t see the point of having pets. She would never hurt them or try to take someone’s pet away, but she’s never understood how close humans and animals can get. I went to her place for a BBQ once, and before that, I hadn’t seen my cat all day because I’d been doing other things from first thing in the morning. It was getting on to 8 PM, and I was tired, but, more importantly, I needed to go home to my cat to make sure he was OK and stuff. Those of you with pets know what I mean. When I said that I was leaving because my cat had been alone all day and would be fine, that he was “just an animal,” I almost lost it on her. I kept my cool, but her hubby, who loves animals but is allergic to many and so can’t have any, understood completely, and he helped make sure that I was able to get away without his wife insulting me, as I knew she could do if she got it in her head to do so. My cat was very happy to see me, and I was able to spend the entire next day with him.
The next day, I got a text from that former friend, and she said that if I was “going to keep on being obsessed with that cat and stuff” (her words), then she didn’t want to be my friend anymore. I didn’t text her back and blocked her everywhere.
I don’t feel bad about this at all. We’d only known each other for about six months and didn’t have anything in common, really.
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